7 Beginners Fitness Class Ideas

We are all beginners at some point and often the biggest hurdle to making changes in our lifestyle is the fear of the unknown or the fear of failure. If you’re thinking about getting fit but have the little voice in the back of your head telling you that ‘you’ll just wait until you’re more in shape before you go to [enter class you think is crazily difficult here]’ or even ‘eek I have no idea where to start, what on earth is a TRX and why would I get myself tangled up in that thing?’ then this fitness guide for beginners looking for classes in Hong Kong is probably a good place to start.

The key thing to take on board is to START. Anything. With that in mind follow this little plan to explore some of these beginners classes and within a few weeks you’ll be feeling much more confident about your fitness plan and goals, no longer afraid of entering a new studio, and well on your way to being out of the ‘unfit’ category. Yay! All the classes below are perfect for first timers, the clueless or those looking to ease back into fitness after injury or kids.

Hatha Yoga for Beginners @ The Yoga Room

This class is designed for people with little or no yoga experience, so detailed instructions are given about everything. You’ll learn basic yoga poses, sun salutations (all will be explained in class) and get a helpful introduction to using basic yoga equipment such as straps and blocks, which are much less intimidating than they sound. It’s also suitable for post injury or post natal clients who want to make sure they start slow before progressing. Sounds like the perfect baby step back to fitness to us.

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Top Gyms and Fitness Centers In Hong Kong To Elevate Your Workout Game

Vinyasa Fundamentals @ Flex

Vinyasa Flow yoga, if you don’t already know, is a popular form of yoga that combines movement, breathe and poses, all flowing together. Not always easy to get the hang of it fast if you’re new to yoga. So this class goes slower and really breaks down all the components of a Vinyasa Flow class. You learn how to breathe correctly, how to do each movement with the correct form. It’s great for complete beginners before attempting a full on flow class, as well as people who love yoga and just want to make sure their technique is up to scratch.

Pilates Reformer for Beginners @ Anhao

We’ve all heard of Pilates, and how many of us have started with a mat class and got a little intimidated when we look at those scary reformers? Fear not Hong Kong, the reformer is your friend and the perfect class to make friends with it is at Anhao, a small specialist studio in Midlevels. Their beginners reformer class has only 3 people, so you’ll be sure to get the attention you need. You’ll learn complete basics of Pilates and the best part is it’s especially designed for those new to exercise or Pilates.

Adult Ballet Level 1 @ Twinkle Dance

Let’s start by saying you really don’t have to be able to dance at all to take this class. The idea is that ballet is a relaxing, non-cardio way (at least in this class) to tone up and improve your posture. It doesn’t matter if the last time you danced you were 5, or if you have two left feet, think of this class as a more interesting way to connect with your forgotten muscles without feeling like you’re overdoing it. Each class consists of basic exercises done on the floor, standing at a bar and moving across the room. Everyone else in this class is a complete beginner too, so there’ no need to be shy. Ballet has long been a total body toning workout of choice and now beginners can get in on the action too. Oh and we hear a new Contemporary class for adult beginners is kicking off this summer too.

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Top Gyms and Fitness Centers In Hong Kong To Elevate Your Workout Game

XYZ Protocol / First Mission (Spin) at XYZ

Got the feeling everyone is into spinning and you don’t know your pedals from your saddle? XYZ have got the answer to your beginners cycling issues. It’s a free introductory session that’s designed to explain all the mysteries of the equipment. Learn how it all works in a the Protocol class and get the friendly instructors to show you how to do all the moves properly. Put what you learnt into practice in the First Mission classes, which are XYZ but down a notch, in a class especially designed for beginners. It’s a great complementary class to the lower key yoga or pilates classes, as this will get your legs moving, blood pumping and heart rate a little higher but at your own pace.

Move with Style @ Superstyle

This is a truly unique class that couldn’t be more suitable for beginners. Are you one of those people that cringes when it’s time to hit the dance floor? Move with Style classes aren’t traditional dance classes. They’re movement and posture classes that teach you how to look great on the dance floor when you’re out, how to move with confidence and style. This is perfect for beginners because it really goes back to basics. Forget dance moves, just learn first how to stand up straight and ooze confidence. Fake it till you make it as they say!

Zumba @ DanceTrinity

You’re going to look a teeny weeny bit silly in Zumba at first, but it’s still an ideal beginners class for a ton of reasons. Firstly, you don’t need any dance or exercise experience to take part. Secondly, all the moves are achievable as there’s no high kicks or back bends, it’s just about getting moving in a really fun way. If you think you’ll stand no chance of following the teacher that’s ok too, because nor can anyone else until they’ve been going for a while. We applaud Zumba for making exercise accessible again! If you’re looking for a good cardio kick-start then this just may be for you as long as you can bring your sense of humour.

See also
Top Gyms and Fitness Centers In Hong Kong To Elevate Your Workout Game

Elle Kealy is an international business coach for fitness health and wellness professionals looking to launch their businesses with a bang and women’s fitness expert, personal trainer and nutrition coach helping women around the world eat better and feel fantastic in just 90 days or less. For more information on working with Elle visit


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