(Last updated on 1 April 2022)

As the severity and extent of the Covid-19 pandemic change, so the rules for entering Hong Kong are adjusted. All international arrivals must show proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken within 48 hours prior to departure (and documents showing that the testing lab is ISO15189 accredited or Hong Kong government-recognised), a 7-day quarantine hotel booking, and a vaccination record.

Rules for all international arrivals (except China and Taiwan)

Beginning April 1, 2022, there is no longer any distinction between high-risk, medium-rish, and low-risk countries. The following rules apply to all overseas countries.

If travellers test negative in initial arrival tests, they will be issued a 14-day hotel quarantine order. This can be shortened to seven days if travellers test negative on days five to seven of quarantine. In summary:

  • Travellers will need to conduct daily rapid antigen tests (test kits will be provided at the airport)
  • PCR tests will be conducted on days five and 12
  • If travellers test negative with a PCR test on day five and RATs on days six and seven, they can go home
  • Leaving the quarantine hotel after seven days must be followed by seven days of self-monitoring at home and PCR testing at a community testing centre on day 12
  • A minimum 7-day hotel quarantine booking is required for all travellers entering Hong Kong
  • If travellers test negative on days five to seven but choose to stay at the hotel for longer, they can go home if they test negative with the day 12 PCR test
  • If travellers test positive at the airport or during quarantine, they will be transferred to a community isolation hotel
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Rules for Mainland China and Macau

  • Entry eligibility: Regardless of vaccination status, Hong Kong residents and non-residents who have stayed in Macau or China for 14 days consecutively may enter Hong Kong.
  • Quarantine length: If you’re not fully vaccinated, you’ll need to quarantine for 14 days in your home, hotel (arrivals from the mainland and Macau cannot stay in DQHs), or other accommodation. If you’re fully vaccinated, you need to quarantine for 7 days and then self-monitor for 7 days.
  • Testing requirements: If you’re not fully vaccinated, you need to undergo three tests during quarantine, one on the 16th day, and another on the 19th day. If you’re fully vaccinated, you need to undergo two tests during quarantine, and then four more on the 9th, 12, 16th, and 19th days after arrival. All final 19th day tests must be done at a CTC.

Rules for Taiwan

  • Entry eligibility: Hong Kong residents (regardless of vaccination status) and fully vaccinated non-residents who have stayed in Taiwan for 14 days consecutively may enter Hong Kong.
  • Quarantine length: Vaccinated and non-vaccinated travellers must quarantine for 14 days in a DQH and then self-monitor for 7 days.
  • Testing requirements: If you’re not fully vaccinated, you need to undergo six tests during quarantine. If you’re fully vaccinated, you need to undergo four tests during quarantine, and then two more on the 16th and 19th days after arrival. The 19th day test must be done at a CTC.


What are the rules for transits/layovers?

If you’re transiting through another country before you arrive in Hong Kong and your layover is longer than two hours, you are considered as having stayed in that country even if you haven’t passed through immigration. This means you must comply with Hong Kong’s entry rules regarding that country, not your country of origin.

See also
Hello Hong Kong: How To Get The Free Airline Tickets, Vouchers, Gifts [UPDATED]

What are the quarantine rules for unvaccinated children?

Unvaccinated children under 12 accompanying fully vaccinated travellers may go home to complete their quarantine after their guardians finish their own mandatory hotel quarantine.

What does it mean to ‘self-monitor’?

During the 7-day ‘self-monitoring’ period, you are free to move around but strongly recommended to socially distance yourself as much as you can. The official suggestions are to monitor your overall health at home, avoiding social gatherings as much as possible, staying in a separate room if living with others, wearing a mask if you interact with people in your household, and seeking medical attention if you start to develop symptoms.

What are the rules for foreign domestic helpers?

Foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) from the Philippines and Indonesia, who are fully vaccinated can enter Hong Kong. In fact, all visa holders intending to study, work, or establish a business in the SAR can enter. Helpers must present a recognized vaccination record, valid employment visa, negative Covid test, and quarantine reservation proof.

Other interesting websites and groups that may be helpful to inbound travellers:

💡 More guides & news on the pandemic 💡

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Born in Canada, Danielle is deep diving into the things that make Hong Kong a city of intermingling identities, and bridging the information gap as someone trying to navigate the city herself as a cultural inbetweener. Sometimes this means examining culture and local people’s stories, and other times it means drinking all the milk tea and doing walking explorations of peripheral districts.

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